How do we prepare leaders for the 4Fields Intensive Training?

Norihito Burger

Check out the pre-training homework for the 4Fields Intensive Training for Church Planters & Missionaries (click for Document Format):

___15+ personal gospel shares (see 3 circles training video)

___Engage 15+ homes in the harvest (see Luke 10 HoP Search or HoP “Slowed Down”)

___Train at least 1 person in the 411 Disciple-making Training (Espanol)

___Watch “3/3s Explained” Video

___Train at least 1 person in the Commands of Christ  (see Command 1 modeled)

___Watch “The 4 Fields of Kingdom Growth” video
     [View before beginning Luke/Acts assignment]

___Read Luke 8-11 + Acts 13-20 and document Jesus’ & the disciples’ strategy for using the 4Fields Discovery Worksheet:

  1. ENTRY: Where did they new places with new people & how did they engage lostness?
  2. GOSPEL: How did they share the gospel (message content)?
  3. DISCIPLESHIP: How did they equip new believers to start obeying Jesus?
  4. CHURCH: How did they gather believers together & equip them to become a healthy church?
  5. LEADERS: How did they identify leaders from the harvest and equip them while handing over the authority, responsibility, and skills needed to multiply the entire process?

    *What is the role of PRAYER?
    *What is the role of the HOLY SPIRIT?
*What is the role of PERSECUTION/SUFFERING
*Did any locations see #NoPlaceLeft (gospel got out to an entire area)?
     See 4Fields Discovery worksheet.  [Bring documentation/notes from your study]

___Watch “5 Levels of Movement Leadership” video  / (See MF article on 5 Levels)

(click for Pre-Training Document Format)

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